Monday, 29 October 2007

LoveYes! II - (Time and Space = Movement) = Love

Since last time we spoke I have been found floating. I’m not sure for how long but I am here and I must be floating because I can’t feel anything, well anything apart from myself but one feels quite different when you can’t feel what you’re touching. Anyway I’m glad you’re here, even if you are made up. After all it is communication that matters, the essence of the cosmos…

…Now where were we up to? That’s right I was regaling you with the fine morals of a group of people known as the NymphoYo who had partly by will and partly by accident embarked upon an atomic mission called LoveYes! Here we tread softly off on a tangent (which is of course, the entire point) to ensure you realise that the name of the group or the endeavour (or what-have-you) is not really important: it's always merely a linguistic container into which the interstellar, genito-urinary signal is poured like ambrosian liquid into an elastic jelly mould. The signal doesn’t have a name, like all effective communication it is beyond language, the name is simply the imprint the signal makes upon collective human consciousness as it bounces off the mirrored plate with which we attempt to capture it. Alas with this rudimentary process we only admire and re-direct the signal, rather than truly grasp it.

As I remember the last time we spoke the subject in question was time and I suggested that perhaps the NymphoYo were actively attempting to produce more time and thereby achieve a more ecumenical distribution of LoveYes 'units'. So that this process may be fully understood we must first make an important distinction or rather, a syllogism; that Time and Space suffer no distinction.

The Twentieth century was perhaps the epoch when the history we had clung on to (often for grim death) ended. Grand narratives, driven forward by the dialectical engine, upon mythical parallels of linear progress, were derailed, carriages exploded by what Deleuze coined as ‘Un method du ‘entre’’ or ‘et’ (the method of the ‘and’, the connection between). It seems that the revolutionary gangmasters of art and science, despite tribal differences, seemed tacitly concerted to absolve the separation between articles, items and concepts by demonstrating the subtle and complex relationships shared by an overwhelming and incalculable number of ‘binary’ variables. Yet rather than any measurement made between say Einstein and Schrödinger's cat it was the distance between Eisenstein (or more probably Bergson and Thalberg) and Jean-Luc Godard that more eloquently articulated the passage of an age, from industrial reproduction to a super-reality. Yet although the moving image is one of the many tools employed by the LoveYes production and distribution it is not cinema (or television or video)that is so important. Rather it is the cinema’s fundamental method that will endure beyond the art form itself and is therefore of most use to the ‘mediation’ of love. Namely: montage. I hope this relatively shallow yet celeritous descent below the surface has whetted your frontispiece somewhat. Until next time dear friends when once more we can dive together.

Yours truly and forever

xx Simon Saint-Simon xx

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